Authentic customer content builds trust

Authentic customer content builds trust

Back to blogs Authentic customer content builds trust One of the most difficult problems with today’s sophisticated cyber threats is that they are getting really good at mimicking the behavior of authentic users. Because of the sheer volume and velocity of such...
Energy marketers must keep the content flowing

Energy marketers must keep the content flowing

Back to blogs Energy marketers must keep the content flowing According to Utility Dive, one of the major trends in the energy industry for 2017 is the persistence of uncertainty. It’s not only our Chief Executive’s rhetoric that has thrown the sector into chaos; there...
The power of positive top-of-funnel content

The power of positive top-of-funnel content

Back to blogs The power of positive top-of-funnel content Thanks to the work of Richard Thaler, Amos Tversky, Shlomo Benartzi, and many other behavioral economists, it is now commonly accepted that humans are irrational decision makers. This holds true both in...
A case study and an infographic walk into a bar…

A case study and an infographic walk into a bar…

Back to blogs A case study and an infographic walk into a bar… Marketers are all into storytelling these days, the logic being that prospects are more inclined to read a “story” than to delve into “marketing content.” And as Carla Johnson from Type A Communications...